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Revisiting the 2020 North Carolina Book Festival Book Fair

When I hear the term "book fair" I tend to recall the Scholastic Book Fairs I attended as an elementary school student. That particular event was always something I looked forward to as it allowed me to explore new genres and worlds while simultaneously developing my passion for reading.

I especially remember how frustrating it was for me to make the most out of the strict budget my parents set for me because I always found myself wanting to learn more.

So, when I heard that there was a Book Fair taking place during this year's North Carolina Book Festival, I knew I had to check it out.

The Festival's Book Fair, hosted in Raleigh's Contemporary Art Museum, allowed local authors and organizations to showcase their works and their passion for the literary arts.

It was a great opportunity to get to know writers within the community and get insight into their imagination as a creator.

So, without further ado, here are some of the highlights of this year's Book Fair!

What Not to Miss at the 2020 Book Fair

If you are a fan of science fiction and mystery, look no further than the works of William C. Tracy, the creator of The Dissolutionverse.

According to Tracy's website, the synopsis of The Dissolutionverse series is as follows,

An intergalactic civilization is tied together by music-based magic instead of spaceflight. Maji can hear the Symphony that underlies the universe. When they change its notes, reality is changed. They step from homeworld to homeworld, enabling the ten species to co-exist.

So, based on this synopsis alone, one can infer that Tracy's works are abundant with innovative concepts and captivating world-building. To immerse yourself in The Dissolutionverse, you can acquire any one of Tracy's books on his website, or you can meet him in person at any one of the following events: Oak City ComicCon, GalaxyCon Raleigh, and Fayetteville ComicCon.

Now, when one often thinks of the stories that made them fall in love with reading, one will often think of the stories they first read when they were children.

Thus, it is important to empower writers and artists that create children's stories to ensure that the next generation will be given the resources that will allow them to explore books and develop a respect for them.

The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators is a local organization comprised of writers and artists with an interest in developing children's and young adult literature. Ultimately, the organization's mission is to support the passions of these creators while also providing them with resources to pursue their respective ambitions.

According to the organization's website,

Membership in SCBWI is open to anyone with an active interest in children’s literature, from picture books to young adult novels. We welcome aspiring and published writers and illustrators, as well as librarians, educators, translators, artists, students, dramatists, musicians, filmmakers, and others. A passion for children’s literature is our number one criterion.

So, if you or someone you know has an interest in creating stories geared towards a younger audience, this organization may very well provide the tools one may need to pursue their dreams and provide others with a peek into their own imagination.

Despite being an adult, children's stories still hold a special place in my heart. In fact, I sometimes find myself revisiting the stories I read in my youth, obtaining brand new perspectives on those stories that actually manage to make a greater impact on me now as an adult than they did when I was a child.

So, I would like to shed some light on the works of Helen L. Wilbur. She maintains a focus on children's stories, with some of her more notable works being Z is for Zeus: A Greek Mythology Alphabet, B is for Beacon: A Great Lighthouses Alphabet, and, her latest, You are Mine, Porcupine.

According to her website, Wilbur's passion for writing has been a consistent aspect of her life, with children's stories being her primary love,

I try to write every day even if it is just a journal entry. My full-time job requires a lot of travel. Writing is a very portable occupation – all you need is imagination, a pen and a piece of paper.

So, if you are looking for a touching, educational, and joyful children's book, look no further than Helen L. Wilbur's collection.

You can purchase her books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or via an independent book seller.

What Lies Beyond

Sure, sometimes it can be difficult to make time for reading. In the midst of a busy day, week, or month, it can be hard for a person to truly make time for themselves.

Therefore, an event such as the North Carolina Book Festival Book Fair is one that can motivate people to engage themselves in reading. It can motivate people to find a network of other creators as well, ones who are seeking an audience and community that will welcome their imaginative endeavors.

So, I look forward to the next Book Festival and its subsequent events that remind us why we started reading in the first place.


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