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March On!

And just like that, we have entered the month of March!

March is a month of transition, a month of hopefulness. It’s a month where we look forward to a change in season. The days grow longer, the temperatures grow warmer, yet the winds maintain a comfortable chill in the air.

March is the month of the color green. The time when Mother Nature slowly begins to return to her lush and vibrant state. It is the month of new beginnings and of rebirth.

March is also the month of sacrifice. For those of us observing Lent, it is a period of time where we make a conscious effort to be better. Some people give something up for the 40 days and some people take something on. My mom, for example, chose to give up coffee this year. Not only does she love coffee, but it’s part of her morning routine. Not having coffee for her 4am wake up calls is a challenge, but that is the purpose of our Lenten observance.

We are creatures of habit. We tend to indulge ourselves in life’s pleasures because they make us happier, and they make it easier to deal with the day-to-day struggles. Lent is a time when we remove a habit from our routine, when we get rid of a guilty pleasure and force ourselves to decompress or enjoy ourselves in a manner that is contrary to our norm. In my mom’s case, she has replaced her morning coffee with morning tea, and in the evenings when she craves a post-dinner coffee, she uses that time to meditate instead.

The purpose of sacrifice isn’t punishment, it’s reflection. By giving up something we enjoy or something we do regularly, we take those moments where we naturally lean towards doing it and remind ourselves that we are in control. We are reminded that our minds are more powerful than our wants, and more importantly, we are reminded of the sheer will and pure love that comes with sacrifice.

When you look around your corner of the world, you realize that you witness sacrifice every day. Soldiers defending our freedom, parents working extra-long hours to send their children to the best schools, teachers spending their hard-earned money to buy their students new desks because there isn’t enough funding in the budget. We witness good people make sacrifices every day to improve the world around them, but there is something special about having an entire month devoted to this notion of selflessness.

As the winter comes to an end and the season for hibernation and indulgence nears its conclusion, a month of sacrifice and reflection forces us to regroup and look to the spring with clear eyes and hopeful hearts.

This month of reflection opens up more time for more introspective activities such as reading, so I decided to choose a book of the month for the Wardrobe.

For this month of March, I thought there would be nothing more fitting than to celebrate the March Sisters.

Our Wardrobe Book of the Month is Little Women.

Photo from Memoria Press

I had the privilege of watching the newest film adaptation with my sister on Valentine’s Day and I can’t gush over it enough. We look forward to discussing the film next month in a very special issue of Lost in the Wardrobe, but before we get to the movie, we have to go through the book first!

For our Art-in-Motion column, we will be focused on the transitionary style of March fashion. We will be focusing on deep emerald green hues and how you can elegantly incorporate this into your daily wardrobe. Fashion is art, but it is also a reflection of who you are, how you feel, and what is going on in the world around you. I personally believe there is nothing more timeless than curating a wardrobe based on the ambiance of the season you are in.

Photo from: @teatimewiththecambridges

My husband was sick with the flu last weekend, so since we were cooped up for several days, we finally took the plunge and started binge watching Mad Men. The highly-acclaimed show has long since ended its run, meaning I am lucky enough to have seven seasons of the show at my fingertips to look forward to. I am incredibly thankful for this because we are completely captivated by the show. From the aesthetics, to the music, to the mystery of Don Draper’s past life, the show’s beauty is rivaled only by its deceptive complexities, and I am excited to share my reviews of the first season throughout this month.

As the spring slowly approaches, the local arts scene starts to ramp up again, with more and more invitations to and announcements for events flooding our mailboxes. From the NC Museum of Art to the Carolina Ballet, we will be bringing you coverage of shows and gallery openings from all around the RTP.

March is a month where we eagerly look forward to the coming season; the time of year where we can sit outside for brunch or take walks through park. It is also a challenging time of sacrifice and introspection. Often times, this time of year can feel daunting, like you can see light at the end of the tunnel but you’re not quite close enough to feel its heat. During this time of contemplation, allow yourself to get lost in the quiet of it all. Read more, listen in silence, take a seat outside and watch the birds sing their song, and let the message of the Lenten season resonate with you, that all things are about to become new.


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